Monday, February 15, 2010

The Legend of the Hybrid....

It is from my understanding that of several of the facts posted on the elephants, the one thing that is considered a misconception is that African Elephants do not tame well. Though there are instances where people have put this species of elephant in the zoo or circus, this is merely a cover up. It sickens me to say that some of my fellow man are in league with these giant killers. Obviously they do not know the magnitude of what they are doing by bringing these creatures to different countries and letting people gain comfort in their presence. I also read that at one time these traitors tried to breed the gentle Indian Elephant with the a bull of the name "Jumbolina." The name causes shivers down my spine.

I do not know what they were thinking, in 1978 at Chester Zoo, but two weeks after the birth of the hybrid "Motty," the baby elephant died. This was a sad moment in the history of the land mammals. I know you are thinking I have a heart black as coal when talking about the African Elephant, this is true. But the young baby was a cross-breed so half of me reports this to you with great sorrow. For maybe one day Motty could have led the human race in the epic battle against his father Jumbolina. If time had written its story correctly, young Motty would have slain his father in vengeance of his mother's death. He would have charged his father off a cliff into a body of water so deep his resurrection would be unattainable.

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