Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Legend of Jumbalina

Daybreak cleared the canopy of trees one morning in the year 1877.  The mid-summer wind escaped the convolution of mother nature surrounding the outer boundaries of the dwarf Pygmy village.  This day started like most in this part of the central African forest referred to as the Congo.  The Batwa people did not cultivate any plants in the communal area.  The women managed the huts, the men traveled sometimes for days to bring back enough food to hopefully ration for a few days survival.

This particular hot summer day Mugsly, a young bottom dog boy, left his family hut in search of something more.  Maybe he was tired of the monotony everyday life or just going through the part of puberty where he believed he knew better than his parents.  So as his fellow tribe continued in their endeavors to survive, Mugsly set out unnoticed towards a direction of wilderness forbidden to him and his kind for reasons he did not know.  All he knew for sure was that the crux would certainly be more entertaining than tracking wild boar.

Hours after Mugsly, (not Mowgli), had found a feasible egress into the uncharted woods, he found that the constant chirping and white noise had all but stopped.  He took no warning from this and soon found a mountain blocked his immediate path.  With one hand using the rock wall as support Mugsly made way along the ridge to find a way through.  Just when he felt like the time to give up and  make the undesirable trek home, Mugsly came upon an opening in both the forest and the wall of the mountain.  He would have been overjoyed but for the terror of seeing such an unusual gathering of bull elephants.

The sheer size of the herd was not the most peculiar part of this sight.  The creatures were standing almost in a perfect semi circle facing the mouth of the cave.  Mixed with fear and disillusion of what he was looking at, Mugsly quickly made the nearest tree his hiding spot.  Why he did not leave them be was anyone's guess.  But this was what made him such a stubborn child in the first place, the sheer lack of reasoning behind his decisions.  Not a minute after he hid himself, a shaking like nothing he had felt before took place.  And he realized what these Elephant were in fact waiting for.  A shadow grew larger from inside the cave with each thump of force laid on the land.....

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